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Central Indiana Funeral Escorts

Doing Business the Right Way

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Funeral Escort Services

Why order a escort for a funeral procession?

Under Indiana State Law, motorists have to yield the right of way to a funeral procession.  The presence of an escort identifies the funeral procession to other motorists. In addition to the sign of respect for the deceased, the escort will make sure that during these grieving times the family and friends will travel from the service to the cemetery safely. 

Central Indiana Funeral Escorts are  there to ensure the safety of the general public as well as the procession. Addition the quality of the escort is a direct reflection on the quality of service the funeral home is providing.

What does Cental Indiana Funeral Escort service do?

We are here to assist the family and the funeral home in anyway we can.

We ensure that the route selected is safe and there are no roadway problems. We will ensure the safety of an intersection before entering so the procession can proceed uninterrupted and safely through the intersection.

To the families that have lost a loved one

Central Indiana Funeral Escorts wants to apologize very deeply for the loss of your loved one. We know right now it's a difficult time in your family, we will promise to do and act the very best we can to make this part we play in your loved one's service run as smooth and easy as possible for you, your family and the friends of your lost loved one.

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Central Indiana Funeral Escorts Services

Exceeding Your Expectations

Customer Support

We want all of our customers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with Central Indiana Funeral Escorts. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life easier and stress free. You can trust us to supply you with the best products, as well as top quality customer service.

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Opening Hours

Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Sat 10am-2pm

Sun Closed


11105 Exchange St.

Indianapolis, IN 46259


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